POLARMINNER – Fortellinger om et glemt land og yrke
Trappers and their lives in North-East Greenland are almost forgotten, but now there is finally a first-hand account of their life and time.
The book is mainly written by Ivar Ytreland, who himself began a lifelong active association with the Arctic as a wintering hunter in Northeast Greenland 1946-48. It's an excellent and wide-ranging book. Ytreland comes in its narrative around it all, both the numerous factual information, about Northeast Greenland, about the hunters' everyday life and about much more - important details that would otherwise have been lost to our afterlife. Finally, he talks about a large number of personalities who have also marked themselves in the history of Northeast Greenland.
That it is Ivar Ytreland who has now written his polar mines can hardly wonder. Looking at his long-standing biography, it reflects an incredible life course, where Ytreland has led countless companies and initiatives, private and public, national and international. A large number of leading positions and accolades mark milestones along the way. After a full and active business life, Ytreland has in recent years had better time, also for its beloved Northeast Greenland, to which he has led expeditions for the Northeast Greenland Company Nanok for several summer. This inexhaustible enterprise and a widely known reputation as a charismatic narrator have long since made Ivar Ytreland a living legend throughout Northeast Greenland. Ytreland was one of the last of the ancient and proud catchman's sake. No more.
Scots Publishers. 223 pages. Richly illustrated.