NANOK - Hochstetter station - 1996


North-East Greenland Company NANOK  (Nordøstgrønlandsk Kompagni NANOK) is a private, voluntary, non-profit organisation founded in 1992 upon the former Østgrønlandsk Fangstkompagni Nanok A/S, founded in 1929.

The aim of Nanok is a.o. to contribute to disseminate knowledge of North-East Greenland and its cultural history and to contribute to securing the cultural monuments and buildings in the area.

The management board consist of Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen (director), Tommy Pedersen, Søren Rysgaard, Jesper Mølbæk Stentoft, Hasse Staunstrup, and Torben E. Jeppesen. Besides the above mentioned, a number of private individuals actively contribute to Nanok’s work. All work in Nanok is voluntary and unpaid.

As an organisation Nanok does not have any members, so you cannot apply for membership.

Each summer, Nanok dispatches a field team of typically 6-10 participants divided into 2-3 teams who work in North-East Greenland for three to five weeks. The results of this work are documented and published in a field report. The expedition participants are chosen by the Board. In the years 1991-2023, a total of 214 Nanok'ers – or more than 90 private individuals – have been dispatched to North-East Greenland.

To perform its tasks, Nanok controls a considerable amount of expedition assets.

Nanok’s work is supported by the Aage V. Jensens Fonde.

Among Nanok’s many loyal partners and supporters are: Norlandair, Joint Arctic Command, Air Greenland, Arctic Research Centre (ARC), Arctic Science Partnership (ASP), Greenland Government, Greenland National Museum & Archive, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Royal Arctic Line (RAL), Sirius Dog Sledge Patrol, Defence Guard Mestersvig, and Stations- og Patruljetjenesten Grønland (SPG). Furthermore Nanok is supported  by a large number of private contributers.

Since 1991 Nanok has restored and maintained about 50 old culture historical buildings and for this achievement received much support and recognition, e.g. from the Greenland Selfrule and Greenland National Museum & Archive

During 2003-2007 Nanok carried out a systematical registration of all more than 300 culture historical buildings in North-East Greenland. These registration were given without any charge to Greenland National Museum & Archive in Nuuk. 

A major part of the registration material, including photos and GPS-positiona is publiced in the book "North-East Greenland 1908-60. The Trapper Era" (Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, 2008)

Status of the huts

The present condition of the old huts is shown in these maps Statuskort Nord and Statuskort Syd. Localities marked with red or yellow are expected to be in a usable condition. Other localities marked with green or without marking (black) should not be expected to be usable.

Contact Nanok

If you wish to contact Nanok or have questions regarding the old huts in North-East Greenland you are welcome to send us an e-mail.